
Reviews, Articles and Features

NMZ 12/87, 7/88
Jonathan FeBland:  Three Miniatures for Clarinet and Piano, Universal Edition London (UE 18431 L).
Eine Hommage für Poulenc únd Lutoslawski!  Auch hier die heiter-melancholische Welt der Harlekine.  Die klarinettistische Hochseil-Akrobatik der Vorbilder bleibt ausgeklammert.  Nach "March" und "Lullaby" rundet das "Finale" -- mit fein dosiertem Jazzkonfetti -- wirkungsvoll ab. 

Jonathan FeBland:  Three Miniatures for Flute and Piano, Universal Edition London (UE 18430 L).
Eine orintalisierende "Aubade," eine wunder schwebende Meditation "Idyll" und ein musizierlustiges "Rondo."  So könnte man das Flöten-Pendant zu den Stimmungsbildern für Klarinette umschreiben.  Die 3 kleinen Stücke sind mittelschwer.


MAMAMAG No. 5, October 87
Pieces from "Studio 21 Series"
Jonathan FeBland, Three Minatures for Clarinet and Piano £ 3.40
These pieces (March, Lullaby and Finale) are aimed at the clarinettist between Grades 6-8.  The outer movements display considerable rhythmic impetus, especially the Finale which is perhaps the most complex rhythmically, serving to counterbalance the second movement, Lullaby, which is a highly effective piece of atmospheric clarinet writing needing considerable control to achieve the delicacy of tone and dynamic level required.  An interesting addition to the clarinet repertoire.

Jonathan FeBland, Three Miniatures for Flute and Piano £3.80
Three Miniatures
, Aubade, Idyll, and Rondo, represent an attractive addition to the flute repertoire.  The standard is roughly between Grades 6-8 perhaps leaning more towards Grade 8 especially in Aubade which requires considerable more control to cope with the wide leaps found in the melodic line, a prominent characteristic.  The style is bascially diatonic, but often diatonic chord structures are combined in non-functional relationships, producing a harmonic style which is both unpredictable and exciting.  The combination of this feature with rhythmic vitality and a practical approach to the possibilities and characteristics of the instrument result in a set of pieces well worth attention.


PAN vol. 5/No. 4 Dec 1987
Three Minatures by Jonathan FeBland.  Flute & Piano.  Universal £3.80
Two gentle pastoral movements followed by an agile Rondo, enjoyable and not too demanding provided the performer is reasonably fluent in the top register.


International Journal of Music Education No. 10/1987
Jonathan FeBland, Three Miniatures for Flute and Piano, Universal Edition, London, 1986.
These three modern pieces present attractively melodic material for the performer who is just beginning to work on more advanced pieces.  Unfortunately, the publishers have included no biographical details.  It would have been useful to supply some information, as the pieces are particularly suitable for the younger performer.  The Rondo is particularly enjoyable to play without being too difficult.  


Music Teacher February 1988
Three Minatures for Clarinet and Piano by Jonathan FeBland (Kalmus) £ 3.40
The three short pieces in this publication are a March, Lullaby, and a Finale.  The style is a fusion of contemporary art music and jazz.  The March is a fast 2/4 marked by scale flourishes; the Lullaby, presents timing problems in that the piano part consists of tied triplets and held chords that blur the beat, as do the triplet cotchets in the clarinet part.  The Finale is marked "vivace" with a predominant 3+3+2 rhythm in the piano; the clarinet part makes use of glissandi.  An interesting and enjoyable suite.


International Journal of Music Education No.11/1988
Jonathan FeBland, Three Minatures for Clarinet and Piano, Universal Edition, London, 1986
Jonathan FeBland has produced three commercial works in the jazz idiom which should have instant appeal to both listeners and performers because of their tuneful and simple construction.
The first movement, March, is the most technically demanding for both players, with first passages for the clarinet providing a challenge for advanced students.  Lullaby, the second movement, is as its name suggests quite sleepy, with sustained piano chords supporting an elegant clarinet line in triplets.  The composer has asked for soft tongue and poco vibrato to add to the mood.  The Finale has a basic rhumba rhythm throughout and asks for frequent glissandi from the clarinet.
This work is highly recommended for players with an inclination towards jazz.

The college boasts a composer among the students, and Jonathan FeBland's attractive suite of "Miniatures for Clarinet and Piano" were played by himself accompanying the clarinettist, Mark Waterman.  With echoes of the Gershwin of "An American in Paris," the jauntily urgent March, the Lullaby and the dashing syncopations of the Finale, showed a sure understanding of the clarinet in all its moods.


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