
Bulletin Board Postings, Poetry and Nonsense Verse

4/24/99 11:41 PM
Good Seats.

How do people get the good seats on aeroplanes?


4/25/99 12:59 PM 
New Diet Plan
health & medicine

Here's a surefire diet plan that cannot fail. You simply stick a blank piece of paper on your bedroom wall and each morning when you wake up, you write 'I will be thin' on it. It's worked for me, I've lost ten pounds (sterling) in two days!


5/30/99 07:02 PM
Challenge # 5


What's the best way of spending an evening?


6/6/99 01:21 PM
Witty one from Roger Perrin.
arts & entertainment 

Anyone place this?

I say Carmina,
You say Carmana,
I say Burina,
You say Burana,
...Let's Carl the whole thing Orff!


6/6/99 07:35 PM 
OK an original one! Tune: The Continental.
arts & entertainment

It's kind of airy,
For my canary,
So would you mind it if I pulled the window to?
And if my rabbit,
Could kick the habit,
I'd save a fortune on superglue.


6/27/99 06:48 PM
Truth or Dare: 'Challenge' Question!
relationships & dating

Some of you may know that I'm playing a game of Correspondence 'Truth or Dare' with fellow 6D member Jennifer Decker. My latest 'truth' question is, I think, quite an interesting one. Would anyone care to answer it?

What is the biggest lie you have ever told to get rid of an unwanted admirer?

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